Free Marketing of Madness Education Package
(Offer limited to one free package per educator or seminar leader.)

The Marketing of Madness education package is offered as an aid to educator or seminar leaders, including professionals in the field of medicine and law who give lectures and group instruction, teach school or university classes, run community learning programs, or hold Continuing Medical Education (CME) seminars or classes.
It is expected that before requesting the full Marketing of Madness education package, you are oriented via our free DVD and Information Kit to the purpose of the materials and the scope of our programs.
Because it is through the generous donations of CCHR's contributors that these materials are provided for free, it is presumed that you will provide reports to CCHR that document results. This could include faculty and student/participant feedback, testimonials to the success in utilization/application of materials studied, or statements from colleagues or other professionals who benefit from the knowledge gained.
If you do not conduct classes or seminars, yet wish to raise public awareness of mental health abuse issues, we encourage you to request our free DVD and Information Kit.
If more than one seminar leader requires packages, and each is committed to implementing and documenting the program, have each instructor place their own order separately.